size:126 x 94 (inch)I made this work having a relation to my exhibition at Heart Land.
Heart Land, it sounds so sweet and lovely.
The mysterious flowers on the upper right side,
Are the flowers named Umbrella Tree, which are loved by many people as foliage plants.
It is said that they bloom only on the days of the full moon.
The plants on the upper left are the flowers and the trees of 'Mai'a' (banana).
The murmurs of a stream return to their homes with their familiar songs.
Early in the evening, birds, too, come back to their nests to have rest.
I will be very happy, if you can appreciate those scenes as the creatures.
created by God, His Existence, His Love, His Power, and His Goodness,
That makes the people happy."
This is a powerful motive to make this art work.
The title is quoted from the Sermon on the Mount of the Bible (Matthew 5:8).
Of course, the governing power is staying in my heart, which is my Soul to control its creation.
In such a chaotic situation of the present world, it is very difficult for us to keep our 'heart' pure.
Therefore, the words of Creator dares to tell us more and more.
The keeping our hearts good and pure is the power,With which I can go on my life good,
at the same time, we can find out the peace of the world.
The house in the picture symbolizes the Heart where I have been abiding,
That is, it means the origin of myself, to which I also return.
This work is an encouragement for my frail thoughts, too.
Because I know well that my thoughts is more treacherous than anything else and desperate.
So, the words tell me that "Blessed are the pure in our Heart Land".
I will be very happy, if the work can help you to share this words about pure Heart Land.