Manoa Ali'i
size:124 x 82 (inch)I dedicate my latest work which was located at the land mark of Hawaii chain, Waikiki beach with Diamond Head, to Tasuku Hamada with his new company "TASK PLANNING CO., LTD." getting started on this April, titled "Manoa Ali'i" is meaning "Royal Vast" (chiefs lived here). Our chief Tasuku Hamada, he has only just begun his master plan for Hawaii that will be possible our same dreams according to Aloha Spirits.
The ancient view of Waikiki beach with Hawaiian landmark Diamond Head, there's a endless power and beauty to the next to come with us.
The gathering island O'ahu again!
I visited to Bishop museum at Honolulu on my last trip of this April and May,
to know the scientific knowledge of Hawaiian history.
Before the constraction of the Ala Wai Canal between 1921 and 1924,
Waikiki was just known for some time its farms and duck ponds.
That was very vast swamp belt as a mouth of three streams, Moleka, Manoa and Palolo,
flowing down from Ko'olau Range.
These streams that had flowed all the way to the beach were now intercepted
by the new waterway Ala Wai Canal,
and that meant the end of the swamps and ponds that had kept most of the district in agricultural use.
The biggest stream of them, Manoa is meaning "VAST" in their local language.
"Manoa Ali'i" where is the land division on the "Eva side of great Ko'olau Range and Manoa valley,
of the meaning "Royal Vast" (chiefs lived here).
When I'm standing on a gathering beach Waikiki now,
I can't stop to imagine the ancient days of this area,
in the blessed seventh day that God made earth and heaven. (Genesis 1:28)
When we meditate this scene, we can see clearly the God's purpose for the earth and
we should be known a literal earth to be permanent where had been made for perfect humans,
the paradise, never gone. (Psalm 104:5 and 72:7, Ecclesiastes 1:4)