size:126 x 72 (inch)This is the third work depicting "Anahola" in the garden island of Kaua'i.
Driving north on highway 56,5 miles from my room at the "Kaua'i Sands Hotel" in Kapa'a,
comes the town of Anahola.
The spike-shaped Kalalea Mountain at Anahola, is also called "King Kong's profile".
I've looked back and seen the strikking resemblance to
King Kong(fitting, since the remake was filmed here in 1976).
The profile is most apparent due to the small hole in the mountain(lower right),
called "Hole-in-the-Mountain" (very clever).
It used to be bigger, but a landslide in the early 1980s closed off most of it.
One legend says that a super natural bird named Hulu pecked
the hole in order to see Anahola on the other side.
Geologists say that there was once a long lava tube stretching from Wai'ale'ale to the sea.
Here at Anahola, We witness the prominence of the power of the Creator of our Earth,
The King of Kings.The moutain mass?on either side of the ridge has been vanquished by
the ceaseless eroding forces of nature, leaving only the ridge and the ghost of the lava tube.
The strength of mortal kings, often embodied in the power of beasts
in this case the horses that once worked the plantation, does not afford a place in God's heaven.
The former king of this plantation has also been vanquished by time and the power of God.
In the same way, all the modern day Kings and Kingdoms of Mortal Beings shall again be vanquished.
There is no beauty in dying for a king or kingdom of mankind, only God allows you beauty in death,
only God creates beauty through life. On Kauai Island, one of the oldest of the Hawaiian Island chain,
the powers of The Creator, to create beauty even in death is overwhelmingly apparent to all who visit.
We can see clearly existence of The King of Kings. ( Isaiah 40:26 )